Sometimes good just isn't good enough

I'm feeling a little loopy. Honest to goodness if Kyle weren't at D-Focus I'd totally call him to wake him up.

Crap I have no idea where this is going, I just know I need to get something out.

The last few days have been really great. Although as I think about it, I think its mostly surfacey stuff. I want to see something deeply wonderful happen. Even if its just a deepening of a friendship. I'm still longing.

Now a part of what has been so great the last few days is meeting a girl. Let me say, this is, without a doubt, one of the most attractive women I have ever seen. She is ridiculously gorgeous. I will not lie and say I don't wish something could spark there, but it is highly unlikely. And wouldn't exactly consider it something I'm working towards. As evidenced by the fact I'm not entirely sure I've spoken any words directly to her (slight exaggeration). There are various reasons for this, long and involved, which I could go in to. But not the least of these is that she's Alissa's friend from Michigan. So yeah.

What is especially important about this is the fact that I'm attracted to her at all. Its a wonderful feeling. A very nice step.

At the same time, it makes me aware of something. I wish I was completely oblivious. I wish I didn't have a radar. I wish I found her attractive but had not even the slightest inkling of doing the slightest thing about it. Don't even ask me why. I haven't the faintest clue. I'm just insane.

So anyhow, I'm digging the weekly (if not more often) pool party thing. That is nice.

Church this morning was incredible. I worshiped with complete and total internal abandon. God and I were just all over each other. It was kind of embarrassing really, since I'm not all about public displays.

The Westmoreland project meeting went Great! We got a lot done and had some good discussion, and I think I made a big impression on Phil, which could really be good. Let's keep praying.

I have no sweeping thoughts I want to share. No grand realizations of God or self.

But tonight Brian and I were talking and after sharing one of the best and dumbest laughs I've gotten in a while he said something that brought about a feeling. He was talking about his day, and how good it was, and he mentioned having some really good conversations. And while I can say I've had a few good conversations lately, it has been a very long time since I've had a great one. Something deep and striking and wonderful with a dear or soon to be dear friend. And I want one. In reality its a greater desire for something deeply good to happen, and not just surface, but a conversation like that would be a good tiding for that.

So that's where things are in my world.

God is good. All the time.


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