"I went to get my masters . . . as a doctor."

What do I say about today? Today was one of the best days of my life. I'm not sure exactly what size pool we are talking about here . . . I just know it is, or was. Whatevs.

My head is swimming. I'm not sure I'm gonna make it through this post. I might just pass out right here. I'm not drunk, but I've felt like it ever since I got in the car with Jenna. Holy crap I forgot how much we laugh together. It was just one thing after another.

And I laughed a lot during group tonight too. Michael and Nick and I sat in a corner together, just making goofy jokes.

And earlier too. I spent time with Stephen and his son this afternoon. He told me some hilarious stories about his boy and we made some pretty good original laughs. During the meeting for 912 Park as well, we were just cutting it up. At one point Stephen beat boxed and I free-style rapped. No lie.

And worship this morning was great.

Okay, so weird little aside. Last night I was praying, and I prayed if God wanted me to "pursue" Amber. You know, just continue to show interest, get to know her, blah blah. And I open my Bible to Psalm 112. Don't really think much of it because it doesn't say anything that seems real clear.

So then this morning we have a special guest speaker at church who preached on receiving the favor of God. And while talking about receiving moving from the battle to receiving blessings, he suddenly opens his Bible to Psalm 112 and reads the first few verses. Uh huh . . . I'll give a minute to pick up your brand new bricks you all just crapped out.

Those of you who have been reading my blog for any amount of time should really pick up on the significance here. After being in a period of fighting for a while, I hear this preacher give this sermon which in part says that God wants to move you from the battle to the blessings, and then uses Scripture God gave me just the night before when I prayed about possibly pursuing Amber. And it ties in with the Ten Minas thing from a few weeks ago and . . .

Okay so along last nights themes, are you ready for this? As soon as I get in the car I'm thinking, "I wish you hadn't told me to pursue her, I have no idea what to do." Yup. I get what I ask for, and then I don't want it.

I am outrageous insanity.

So on the way back I suddenly turn to Jenna and say, "Holy crap, I was supposed to get married yesterday." I'd totally forgotten. I'm not sure when the last time I thought about it was. So then Jenna makes me tell her the whole story, from meeting to break up, because I'd been a terrible friend. And when its over Jenna says she bets Heather contacts me within a year of the break up. Whoever loses treats the other to a night out. I'm gonna be so expensive.

So we talked about it a little more, and I shared some things I didn't know I was feeling, and thoughts I didn't know I'd had. It was good.

So then Jenna and I talked about Amber a little, and we both reached the same conclusion, which was wondering how to show I'm interested, without pressuring her or overstating my attachment. Conundrum.

So as I was driving home, taking some time along the back roads, I was thinking over my day. And I realized how many points today I just felt like me. Really, really me. And I'm not sure how long its been since I've felt it so much. So strongly. But it was wonderful.

so its the night time. And its the right time . . .

I've been writing more in my prayer journal the last few days. Something is coming. Some big blessing. Some woman, some job, some learning point from God. I want to be ready.