After The Devil Beats His Wife

That's a song by emery, that I've used a lyric from as a post title once already. And I hate the fact that song has been on my heart tonight.

The first verse and chorus go like this:

"You wanna swim in the river
I wanna dance in the summer
You've always been the believer
I'm always left to wonder
The water's rushing so fast
I think it will take us under

Oh what thought, did you recall,
that would make you say my name?
The water's too deep, our friend says, 'Don't go'
But my mouth betrays me, and says, 'Hold on'

(and now I know)
This is the pain of believing
(the danger is real)
And there's no easy way out
(how did I get here?)
You trust to much in my bravery
its my safety, you're taking."

I wish some other song was on my heart. Or maybe not, it could be worse.

I've been listening to emery a lot the last few days (as well as Nirvana, hello old school) and I just really really like them. I didn't at first, but they're amazing. They are (kind of) a lot more mellow than a lot of what I listen to, but at the same time, song of their songs are really kicking. And a good number of their slow and/or melodic songs build suspense for these incredible rock out endings that are often closer to hardcore than the pop the beginnings imply. Excellent writers and great musicians. You should listen to them. Everyone likes them except you.

I keep promising myself I'll go to bed at a decent time the night before church, and I keep not doing it. And tonight, well, I need to write.

I want to write about anything other than Heather. Anything other than how I feel. I want to talk about this dream I had that I never mentioned, and why I almost burst into tears in front of my mom and brother the other night because of it. But there are things to be said.

I can't get over my hate. Not for Heather or her family or anything, I haven't felt bitter in . . . I'm really not sure how long. I don't remember, that's how long. I hate the fact that I still don't have ears. I still feel like I don't know quite which voices I need to be clinging to in the din and darkness, and which I need to be fighting off for all my life. From the very moment He called me out of my formless darkness of how I lived before Him, I've always been able to hear. And I miss His voice so much. I know its there. I just can't recognize it. Or maybe I'm ignoring. Not that I always have been, but maybe now that's what it is.

Emily and I talked for a while tonight. Which got to me to finally put out all these things I needed to. All these things that have been tearing holes in me today. Shredding me to pieces.

So oddness, Thursday night, after I'd called Heather, I found at Bonnie had brought her copy of Redeeming Love for me to read. And after I wrote in my pj that night I pulled the book out and started reading where I'd left off when I started it at Barnes & Noble. The particular point was the first time Michael goes to visit Angel. Funny coincidence right?

Yesterday (Friday), I woke up under a cloud. Before I got out of bed I had a quarter of a page in my pj, mostly grumbling.

And it didn't get much better. Aside from doing some chores and such, I spent most of the day reading Redeeming Love. It was hard. It tore me apart. I cried I don't know how many times. But ultimately it was good. It was one of those books I enjoyed so much that as I got closer to the end, I wished I wasn't. I wished it would keep going, or that I had it to read over again, fresh and new. I enjoy books so much.

But I still didn't feel better. I felt a little closer to God, but not much.

At some point early in the night I prayed to God about my pain and what He'd asked me to do and the aftermath, and He led me to Matthew 8. Cost of discipleship. Calming of the storm.

Last night I just couldn't take it anymore. I went to God. I started my worhsip time with this journal entry:

"I want to love you so much. I'm hurting so badly. Give me something. Please."

I put on some music and sang along. I prayed and read and wrote. I got an immediate lift from the first song, a David Crowder version of All Creatures. But then it just stagnated, and I knew I still wasn't done. I just kept searching. But no prayer I wrote, no passage I read made me feel full. God was still elusive.

But He did something wonderful, as always. He led me to James 1. Trials and temptations. The Lord is good.

"I love You Lord. May You be praised forever. May Your praises never depart from my lips."

I tried to go on and do other things. But I was so restless, and I've learned. So I put on some droning wordless music and layed down to listen. Almost immediately . . . I thought I heard something. "Find me." I was perplexed, that's not something God says. And then Heather flashed into my mind. It felt like she was the one asking. And then I felt it. I suddenly felt that if I didn't leave for Kansas City in the morning, that nothing would be right. I tried to push it out. I thought of all the obstacles, of the sheer stupidity. And finally I settled back, it had to be my own heart, or Satan. I couldn't have heard right. I had to lay there and hear something more. There had to be something more. But nothing else came.

I grabbed my Bible and prayed. "if its You, if its real, confirm it." I opened my Bible to Psalm 144. The first verse:

"Praise be to the Lord my Rock,
who trains my hands for war,
my fingers for battle."

I used to pray on that verse all the time during hockey. And here it was. At a terrible time. I ripped open my prayer journal:

"Sometimes a man can only do so much. You'll have to say/ask/do something else. Not this."

I layed back down and tried to hear more. But still nothing came. I told Him that there had to be another way. "It'll be harder" I asked if it would be longer. Silence. That's fine with me.

I layed there, wanting to hear something else. Telling myself it was just my own heart, my inability to move on. It was my own desire to control things, that by going I'd not be trusting God. I'm not sure I believe any of it. I'm not sure I heard any of it. I'm not sure I can keep from laughing at all my objections. I'm not sure I can ever think God was speaking during that time.

I layed there trying to hear what He actually wanted to say. And after a while I fell asleep.

I woke up during the night and could feel Him there. I wrote,

"You're so real to me right now. Don't let that change."

Today was a disaster. For the first morning in I don't know how long I didn't immediately open my prayer journal. I'm not sure I touched it until after diner. I don't know why. I wanted God. I wanted, something other than what I felt. But I just didn't do it.

And then Emily and I started talking. I told her everything about last night. She asked me why I hadn't left and we talked a little about it.

At some point I said something that has floated over my mind a few times over the last two weeks or so. That I have to let Heather be because I don't deserve her. That she is better off like this, or at least will be. Emily responded, "so denying her the one she loves is letter her be better off."

I tried . . . I tried to type "She doesn't love me." But I physically couldn't. My fingers wouldn't work. This is all insane.

I talked of all that was standing in the way. Of how scared I am that everything is just me not letting go. The way everyone says. The way Jonathan says. The way I've been with a girl before, someone that I knew I didn't love. Someone I never let near my real heart.

I'd risk anything to follow Christ. I've always been this way. I don't care about the consequences if He is leading. But I know what happens when I move without Him. And right now . . . I'm already so far down. If I'm not hearing, if its not Him . . . .

Glenn finally sent me a message yesterday, telling me to call Him today. Is that a sign? I didn't call. I wanted to so much, and I didn't. I miss him so much my eyes are welling with tears, but I didn't call.

I didn't go. I'm shifting back and forth and what is crazy and what is so crazy it can only be God. I can't survive another mistep. There's nothing left. If He lets . . . .

Right now all I can do is wait. All I can do is get up and go to church and hope its an amazing day. I can't decide if I want God to give me some rediculous sign of what to do, or if I want to be left alone. I wrote that in my pj earlier. I wrote in my prayer journal that I wanted Him to leave me alone. I wrote it while Emily and I were talking.

I was thinking while I was talking to Nick tonight. When this all began I believed I could handle it if God would just tell me how it would turn out, then things happened I could interpret as that and I couldn't handle it. It was a greater burden not seeing the things happen. So then I said I wanted to participate, and then He tells me to fight. And I do. And He calls me forward and I fight again. And really . . . now I think I could handle it so much easier if I was just waiting. If He was doing everything.

I know how I sound. I sound bleak right now. But I was thinking earlier, at one of my low points today, if I'd known when I met Heather exactly how I'd feel right now, would I have done it all again.

In a heartbeat.

She's given me some of the happiest times of my life. She is wonderful and beautiful and without equal. I wouldn't trade my worst minute with her for an ounce less of this pain.

I love you.