Craziest day ever? And, oh yeah, Date Night

Yesterday was one of the craziest days of my life. My day began at 6:30 am, after a good 3 or so hours of sleep. Glenn texted me and asked me if Amber and I were going out tonight, which I'd already told him yes, I guess God just wanted me up.

So I decided to go to the gym and spar for a little while. I broke a guy's nose. This joker decided not to wear a helmet because he was 6'2" 205lbs, and I'm 5'9" 160lbs, so he was overconfident. I got a good double in his midsection, causing him to draw towards in pain, leaning in. Just as he did I came in with my right elbow and caught him on the bridge of his nose. Saweet.

Then I drove to Hermitage to go to the bank, closest Wachovia to my house is 30 mins away. Nice. I stop to buy a new pair of pants on the way back and then clean my car out when I get home. Then I rush over to meet Stephen, Shandi, Jamie Lea, and Jenn to go visit 912 Park and look at the facility. You know you're in Westmoreland because our driving directions included "Stop at the Hardees if you need to use the restroom." (The bathrooms in the building aren't ready yet, still, its the idea of it.) We stayed there for quite some time, touring and examining. Talking about issues and possibilities. We laughed a lot and found ways to save money and still get what we want. I'm happy about what's going on there.

So I get back and have to run home to grab stuff I forgot, and while there I get a few phone calls which take up time, and then I'm on my way to meet everyone at a local waterpark. I get there about 30 minutes later than I figured I would and say high to everyone, including a slightly awkward high to Amber. So we line up to do my first attraction of the day, and we're all standing in line talking, except Amber goes and sits at the side of the pool to watch. And then Mike turns to me and says something about "my girl" and going to sit with her, and everyone else joins in on ribbing me. And I realize. She's into this.

See in addition to the anxiety of the last few days, the text message she sent me just said "hanging out" so I didn't know if she was intentionally downplaying the date aspect because she didn't want it to be that or . . . yeah, so. Now I'd hardly call her "my girl" as Mike did. We went on a date. I do like her. What's important is that it wasn't just me being excited, and she was well aware it was a date, and was still going.

So after having a great time at the water park we head back to my house to change. When she walked out . . . she looked absolutely stunning. She's gorgeous. And she looked great in that dress. I was absolutely blown away.

We drove down to West End to eat at Blackstone, which is an upper-midscale resteraunt and micro-brewery. Dinner was great, chatting, flirting, and eating too. Then we drove back dowtown and walked 2nd and Broadway. I took her to Nashville's Big Bang Bar. Big Bang is a dueling piano bar. Two guys play piano and sing, requests, goofy songs. They brought people up from bachlor parties or brithdays and sang some very funny, though vulgar songs. We had a great time.

alright, so those are the technicals . . . but how was it?

I thought it was great. The conversation was easy and enjoyable, and the few short pauses there were felt fine. We flirted. She was playful and fun and good gosh is she funny. She's very witty and keeps up like you wouldn't believe. There were a few nice moments of holding eyes. It was all around just great.

And then when I took her back to Dan and Alissa's she hugged me and told me she had a great time.

So there you have it. No idea what comes next, if anything. But she's a great girl and I had a great time.

I tried to spend some time praying and worshiping last night, but I was so tired I fell asleep very shortly after getting home.

So now we'll see.

God is so good.


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