Off the hook

I have no idea how to start this post. I know where it goes. I know what needs to be said. But I don't know where it starts.

Yesterday both was and was not what I was expecting. After everything that happened Tuesday I decided that I was going to spend a pretty seriuos amount of time with God yesterday. Some of it was just kneeling before the throne and worshiping. Some of it was looking for answers. I kept asking what the next step is. I kept asking about specific things I could do next and then opening my Bible to see if God would answer. And the verdict? Well . . . there was some stuff that could have been, but . . . I just don't know you know.

I realized yesterday that I forgot to tell two things. One is that the other night while I was driving home I was wondering about if God was telling me how things would work out with Heather, why? So I get home and go to spend time with God and I open my Bible. I was in John 14, and the verse that caught my attention was v. 29: "I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe." Mmmmkay.

So then I had another dream, where Heather and I were reunited. Which wouldn't be interesting, except when Jonathan and I had lunch the other day he mentioned something. Which was that after his fiancee left him he dreamed about her almost every night. And I don't. I have only, only had dreams when I prayed about it before. And not just when I was thinking about it, because some nights I've laid there not able to get it off my mind, and no dream. But I just pushed those things out, like everything else.

Anyhow, last night I went back to GodWhy for the first time in two weeks. I enjoyed seeing Stephen and Adam but . . . I just can't help but have this feeling that I fit in less there than I do anywhere else. And not only that, but because of everything that had happened I was looking for God to speak there. After all, I'm looking for word on the next step. But nothing.

So I come home and find a message from Emily. It was slightly confusing so I said as much, and then went to spend time with God. I spent about an hour and a half worshiping and reading and praying and listening to a Kairos sermon. I was expecting to hear something. And maybe I did, but if so it just sounded too much like personal inclination. Should I call? "yes" well yeah sure.

I'm so close, but I still feel I need external revelation right now. So I repeated something to God I'd thought a few times that day. "What I need, is someone who knows nothing to just walk up and say, 'You should call. Ha, that was weird, I have no idea who you are.'" 'Cause that would be great.

I go downstairs and find another message from Emily. Basically telling me I'm an idiot if I don't call, excpet nicer. She did temper it by saying she had held off because she wanted to be giving advice from God and not from her own wisdom. But still . . . it was pretty close to what I asked for. And that's two people who've said it.

Not to mention . . . this makes two areas of my life where I think there might be a call, that have confirmations of negative reactions.

Negative reaction confirmation is the idea that one way to test whether something is God is whether or not you want to do it. For instance, when God called Moses, Moses was all like, "Nah man, I've got a speech impediment, and I'm already like 80, so . . . you know."

And when God called Jeremiah, Jeremiah responded, "Um . . . I'm just a kid, I think you have the wrong number."

I've been thinking about the idea of speaking at this service if we get it going and . . . I don't think I'm ready. I don't know what to say, I don't think I can do it like it needs to be done. And honestly, that makes me feel better about doing it. It makes it less likely that the desire is my own pride and not God's calling, because I think I can't.

And the thought of calling Heather is similar. When I think of it, all I can focus on is the negatives. "If she doesn't answer I'll be crushed, I won't know what to do." "If she does answer and is a jerk, that'll be worse." "If she answers and we mend, well . . . I'm happy with things now, I don't want her back." "And if she answers, I have literally no idea what I would say. To the point that I think I might say, 'I didn't call to say anything, I called because I was told to.'" And . . . it makes me feel a little better about it, but not much.

I almost called her last night, but I chickened out. And then I was thinking, okay, call her today. But I can find excuses. Not tonight because she'll be busy with women's bible study. Tomorrow night she'll be at work. Saturday night I can't be sure I could reach her. Sunday night she has Life Group. Monday night she'll have homework. I've got a million of 'em.

But then I get a text from Bonnie. Worship tonight at Brittany's. This is exactly what I need. And I start thinking, I'll know when I'm there, but I have to be ready to call her. So I'm pumping myself up, thinking God will confirm it while I'm there, and then a thought strikes me.

I don't have her number.

I deleted it from my phone because it hurt too much to see it and now I don't have it.

I guess I'm off the hook. Why do I just feel like a coward?

I want to take the next step . . . but I want it to be His step, not mine. That's all I'm waiting on. I know, that when I follow God I have nothing to fear, but if I take a step on my own . . . I've felt those consequences. I am terrified.


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