Ketchup . . . Catsup

TTTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEE for a post I say. But oh how do I begin. I'll be experimenting with a different structure, or maybe not. And does anyone still read this thing? I used to know who all the regulars (that I knew in real life) were, but I quit using my visits tracker and I'm not sure who all I've lost. Sad days. I'm working on doing more posts, and doing shorter ones. We'll see. Anybody want to recommend me to any companies as a blook?

Its really been a week since my last update. How do I let this happen? I promised no more right? I promised I was going to do more stuff. Grr. This time its for real.

So what's been going on? What a big question.

Friday I went out, by myself, in the vain hopes of finding one of the girls (types, not specific ones) I've become recently enamored with dating. One is that the other day I was convinced I needed to find me a nice, hot black girl. And the other was a redhead, but that was all about this dream I had, crazy right. I don't think anyone believes this paragraph. I really did have the dream though.

Saturday was Clay's going away party. It was supposedly a combined 50's and WWF theme, but only two of us dressed up, so that part of it was a little disappointing. But I went all out for it and so did Holly. There is a picture somewhere. As a whole the gathering was good, but a little off putting. I ultimately felt out of place, leaving me to wonder if I'll ever not feel that way.

And darn me if there's not this girl who's doing her darnedest to get me to like her (intentional or not I don't know). Anyhow, the number of reasons I should not be interested in her is about as long as they get, with the only notable absentee being faith, which I think is somewhere near level. I suppose I haven't bothered to really find out, but what I have supports that hypothesis. Regertless, it makes me long for complete obliviousness. I long to not thing about girls and relationships, to not notice them, especially to not have Heather still so irrevocably upon my heart. Perhaps that most of all, but oblivious is oblivious. And despite how I act, and can be, Its not where I want it. [Warning: Watch for recurring themes]

Speaking of de girls, I had that dream, but I can't remember when. I dreamed I started a relationship with a redhead. There were also car chases and fights and a huge house/university, but lets ignore the insanity. So after the party, or rather, while it was still going on, a few of us, Clay included, left to go to Climb Nashville. Which is an indoor climbing thingie. I had no clothes or shoes other than my 50's outfit (idiotic, I know), which could have worked considering you rent shoes and Jeremy had shorts, but I just wasn't up for it. On the way down we kept singing "Don't Stop Believing" which was especially funny because it never played. Lauren just started it. So once there, Lauren and Clay and I sat on a bench talking, watching Jeremy and Devon boulder. A good time was had by all.

Afterwards we stopped by this frozen custard place across from Centennial Park and Vandy's Stadium. And working inside was a very cute redhead (the first one I'd seen since the dream). AND . . . "Don't Stop Believing" was playing on the radio. I took it as a definite sign and got ice cream. Dutch chocolate with Heath pieces. Delicious.

Sunday was rather interesting. It was my first day as an iGuide for the iCampus at Godwhy. Its sort of like a moderator/participator/question answerer/discussion mover for the chatroom that accompanies the online service stream and pre-service show. I had an absolute blast with the other iCampus people. I'm pretty sure we laughed the paint off the walls of that little room. It was also great to participate in the chat. The first session involved a non-Christian throwing some hard ball question, which was a challenge and a huge blessing to be able to encounter. The second session had a lot more people, but the one's who participated in the discussion were all church members who couldn't make the service for various reasons, so that chat allowed for some different work. Their discussion was less skeptical, but still there were questions and hard issues.

As a whole, the experience has just made me a lot more interested in the potential of what Godwhy is doing. The iCampus can serve as a connector to people who can't be there (Mary joined us while at work) but there is another possibility there. The iCampus is a way for non-church people to safely check out Godwhy. From what I understand, they still mostly see people moving from churches to there, but the potential is huge, and the reality isn't bad at all.


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