Happy 4th of July!

If you need proof that sin has truly infected this world, I've got some. My dog knows how to lie. How sad is that. He's a dog.

I was bringing him in from outside and after I'd let go, while standing there at the door, he turns and decides he's going to run. I try to catch him and end up pressing my hands down on his back, just in front of his hips. And he lets out this terrible little yelp/wimper and scurries on. I didn't have a good hold to stop him. I know there's now way that hurt. He puts more stress on himself when he lays down. Freaking liar. My dog.

In other news, July 4th was an absolute blast. Oh, bad pun. My apologies.

I went downtown with Awkward Jenn and her sister and brother-in-law. We got down there about 2 o'clock and spent the day listening to various talent levels of musicians play while finding other ways to entertain ourselves. Like playing Mad Gab. And stating how hot it was.

The fireworks were absolutely amazing. We were really about as close as you could get and the colors were incredible. And the noise, you could feel some of the fireworks. But about half way through the show, it started raining. But when I say raining, I'm not sure you'll get my full meaning. Giant marble sized drops were falling in thick sheets propelled by winds so strong I thought my borrowed umbrella would turn inside out. And I just started laughing. And I laughed most of the way through the rest of the show, and back to the car. I just thought the rain, on the 4th, with all those people out there, was hilarious. I laughed as Adam and I each used one hand to try to stuff a camp chair back into its bag. I laughed as we walked through mini-rivers running across 1st Ave. and I momentarily thought of splashing people. I laughed as I felt the poker tin supposedly keeping the phones dry vibrated with people calling to check on us. Pretty much the only time I didn't laugh was when we stopped to watch the finale. And when we got in the car I laughed because here, in the car, in the parking garage, it had quit raining outside. It didn't last, but the idea of it.

So, on to more serious matters, I really need to get a girlfriend. Now this phrase may seem overly desperate and also incongruous with my line of talk from my last post, but hear me out. One of my favorite bands is an Americana/bluegrass group called the Avett Brothers. A number of their songs are about love, and they were a band Heather and I both liked, so we listened to them a lot together. Tonight, for the first time since the breakup I actually caved in and listened to them. And I just don't think I can handle it. And yes part of me is pissed at her for this. More importantly I remember going through a similar, though less severe, period after my breakup prior to meeting Heather. And I couldn't listen to the Avett Brothers again until I met her. So now it stands to reason, I need to meet a great girl and get to some level of a relationship, if for no other reason than so I can once again listen to the Avett Brothers. I think about 5 dates should do it. More realistically, just reaching a point where we are in an established relationship. Finding a girl who was aware of the parameters of the relationship and was fine with them would be ideal, since that would keep me from being under obligations once I was able to listen to the Avett Brothers again. Don't laugh. A part of me is actually serious.

Now for some actual incongruity. My reaction to my conversation with Emily the other night has been predictable. I have prayed about it once, and I have not sought to hear from God in another way. In my prayer journal last night I actually told Him He'd have to do something if He wanted me to hear on this one. We'll see who wins that fight.

In the same vein, I've actually hit on two girls in the last two days. One at last night's Hendersonville celebration, and one tonight downtown. The result? I stopped very early on (like under 2 minutes) in each instance because I found out the girls were both named Heather. Yeah . . . that's histerical.

Unfortunately, since that conversation, when I have written in my prayer journal, or prayed, or read it has felt . . . better. Like whatever was in the way before was removed. I don't like that. I don't like what I think that means.

So now I'm listening to 3OH!3's "Don't Trust Me" trying to remember what else it was I wanted to say.

I still have to decide where I'm going to church in the morning, I'm considering giving Indian Lake another chance.

In other news, yesterday I got stung on the chin by a yellow jacket receiving my mp3 player from UPS, which now won't sync, so I can't put music on it.

I'm gonna go sleep.

I really do want to encounter God tomorrow. I'm willing. I just want Him near.


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