The Journey

Points to anyone who picks up on the title reference.

So here's the deal. My fiancee left me about a week ago. I don't agree with it, I don't think its the right way to handle the problems, and I don't think its the end. But it is the way it is.

The reason this blog exists is because God used "coincidences" to put me in touch with a woman who offered me great advice about this situation. And one piece of that advice was to keep speaking tenderly to Heather, even though I couldn't communicate with her. So originally I just wanted a way to write her letters of love and support. But then things kept coming, like a longing to open up and share portions from my prayer journal. I realized that my troubles with Heather are related to my walk with Christ, and that should be the greater focus of any effort to share my heart with her (in a way she'll never read). And so it begins:


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