If you don't recognize the title, or even if you do then go here now. This video is hilarious, and will feature in later.
I'm trying to pound this out before I head to Knoxville, but there's some stuff I just needed to get out.
I recently gave in to a pretty strong urge and did some fighting. Which went okay but I became painfully aware of how terribly out of shape I've gotten. So today I decided I was going to go for a run and do some muscle building jazz.
The day was going okay, but not great. I had run some errands, and was doing stuff around the house, just generally feeling pretty okay. Most confusing was this really weird place I hit mentally. At some point I was thinking about everything, and over this thing Emily said once, about being able to feel if someone loved you or not. And I hit this place of just absolute assurance that Heather did not care for me at all, and regarded me as a mistake. And I was okay with it. Kind of. There was some unidentifiable feeling nagging at me inside:
"Are we getting somewhere? Are You doing something? I feel different but not necessarily right. Please Papa, show Your love show Your will. I want to hear You, I want to obey."
So I spent some time acquiring a decent amount of new music, and then went for my run. I could feel before I went that it was going to be tough, but that it'd be good time with God. As I ran I tried to just listen to Justice and clear my head. Just let everything go. As I rounded the bend down the street I became aware of this feeling in me. I've thought about this before. But here it was again, I was embarrassed that I was not fighting my hardest for Heather. I was ashamed. And I felt convicted that I needed to be. I pictured Heather hurting, wondering why I hadn't come after her, even if she wasn't admitting it. I mulled it over for a second, and started asking God if I should contact her. But then I changed my mind, my focus was still going to be on just letting it all go. So I prayed for God to take her off my heart and mind. But of course it all came back. So I prayed again. and so on.
As I came to the end of the run I started thinking about the stages of death video. At some point I realized I feel like the giraffe at the end. There's a slight recognition of how things could be worse, but its still a pretty desperate position and there doesn't seem to be much hope. Yeah.
I sat down for a minute to read my Bible in the sunshine before I took my shower. On a whim I decided to take God up on the feeling I had. I asked Him if He wanted me to contact her and I opened my Bible. I was on the first page of Hosea. I close the book without reading anything and hopped in the shower.
So now I'm ready to leave, just about. And I was thinking back over it all, wondering if I could still consider it all coincidence, if it was still just my own desires reading into things. So I told God if He wanted me to fight for Heather He needed to give me something more. I closed my prayer journal entry with this:
"I don't know what you actually want. I am blind and deaf. And dumb. And wounded."
Whatever, I plan on dealing with all of this by finding a cute girl at Zane's birthday party to make out with. (Not actually)
Here I go, with a nice batch of new music to scream my lungs out with.
"Are you there God? Its me, giraffe."
Posted by
Friday, April 24, 2009
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